Using the Jewish celebration of Tu B’Shevat as inspiration, the talk will address how the rising of the sap in trees, which begins to occur in January, is a message for us all on the natural slowness and hibernation of winter which moves into springtime reawakening. This is an opportunity to not only celebrate the trees around us, but also to hopefully remind us all of our own cycles in life.
If you would like to participate in the seder in a more tangible way, you might want to have the following things available:
-a glass of white wine or white grape juice
-a glass of red wine or red grape juice
-some nuts with shells, such as walnuts, pecans, or almonds
-some fruits with hard shells, such as coconuts or pomegranates
-some fruits with pits, such as dates, olives, apricots, or plums
-some fruits without shells or pits, such as figs, bananas, or apples
-maple syrup