A morning dedicated to the humanizing, uplifting, and healing benefits of humor. Rev. Elaine shares humorous poems and anecdotes, along with observations about humor, as together we appreciate its redeeming power in our lives.
The Reverend Elaine Bomford is a Universalist with Unitarian overtones. That is to say, she affirms “God is love” and there are “Many Windows, One Light.” She has served UU churches over the years as a religious educator, musician, parish minister and guest preacher. She is currently the Affiliate Minister of the Walpole Unitarian Church in New Hampshire. Rev. Elaine is a graduate of Harvard Divinity School; as an undergraduate she studied the Great Books program, with a minor in green chili, at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her daughter, a linguist, lives and works in Paris, France. Her partner Keith Penniman is a lay preacher, musician and librarian. Ms. Elsa is her faithful canine.