Speaker: Joanna Henderson
KUUF Sunday Service- STAR Island – UU Retreat
Identity Politics: It’s About Time
Discussing why the potential nomination of a Black woman to the Supreme Court is neither political correctness nor tokenism.
Atoning for the Past
Responses to the myths that have been used to defend public displays of confederate symbols.
CREDO Service
Please join us for this special Sunday service in which members of our church describe their individual CREDO.
No Regrets
Living a life with no regrets means living very carefully. When our elders told us to lead that life, they were really saying, “Take no chances,” which is hardly living at all.
CREDO Service
This is an annual CREDO service presented by members of the fellowship. Selected members present their beliefs during this service.
Jan 7, 2018 Credos listed in order of presentation.
Joanna Henderson:
Good Morning!
My name is Joanna Henderson and I was a member of this UU Fellowship thirty years … read more.